Natural Design Solutions
Landscape Architecture * Irrigation Design * Land Planning

USAA-Xeric Demonstration Gardens


USAA-Xeric Demonstration Gardens
Landscape architecture combines art and nature. Natural landscapes are dynamic ecosystems made up of plant and animal communities, interacting with the landforms, waterways and atmosphere. Through composition and attention to detail we attempt to reveal the unique character of each space. A thoughtful and efficient approach to site design can better integrate design and development with nature and minimize the impact of development on natural systems.
Environmental design should realize the needs of humanity without compromising our natural systems. Man and nature are interdependent, what is beneficial for nature is ultimately good for society.
Through the application of sustainable development principles, we can conserve resources, reduce maintenance expense and improve property values. Natural landscapes maintain themselves. Ecologically designed landscapes emulate natural processes and help integrate the built environment with nature. Applying water conservation principles, can result in water savings of 50-75% over conventional landscape practices.
Designs combining native plants and local materials express a regional character and aesthetic which is contemporary, yet rooted in natural history. Sustainable landscape design is an investment in our future that can quickly provide significant water and maintenance savings.
We create design solutions tailored specifically to your needs to help make your vision a reality.
Our priorities are to clearly understand your goals, to help you visualize your project’s possibilities, to insure on-time delivery and to provide design solutions that exceed all expectations. We specialize in navigating local landscape ordinances, and cost control.
Good design is usually the result of team work and coordination among various professionals. We are team players and are prepared to lend assistance, from initial site selection and feasibility studies, through concept development, local permitting, to final design, construction documents, and construction administration.
Art and Nature - Design for Humanity
Tel: (303) 443-0388, info@ndscolorado.com